Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Change of Plans

Eli will not be having the Fontan surgery in May. Because he is doing so well, the surgeon wants to wait till he is bigger so that an adult size... something... can be used. Not sure when the surgery will be. He check up appointment will be in May, and we will go from there. I know he needs a cardiac catheterization done after that. Probably sometime in the summer. If he continues to gain weight and have higher oxygen saturation levels, then they may wait till he is even three years of age. 

Not sure how I feel. Watching him struggle and get tired after long play is hard. He's sweaty, blue-ish tint. I just want him to feel well and be able to keep up with his brothers. But what is best, is best. I'm just grateful we have the modern medicine to take care of him! 

1 comment:

Dana Scarbrough said...

:( I love little Eli and know he is such a blessing to you in so many ways!