This year it was a cold and a fever. We actually saw the cardiologist just before it really set in, and she was worried about his low 90s saturation. Imagine that--being worried about a 90s saturation. Though if the low 90s saturation wasn't virus induced then it would have had serious implications... so a week later we went in to check his oxygen at it was back to mid 90s.
So here's Eli, a day after Christmas 2011, totally not wanting to take a picture because he feels awful.
And let's look back on Christmas' past. Here's Eli for Christmas 2010, on Christmas Eve, worn out from throwing up and fever. This 20 month old crashed on the floor and couldn't move.
And Eli on Christmas 2009, 8 months old. We actually went into the ER this December 30th (we were visiting out of town and didn't know where to go but the ER) because he was showing signs of heart failure. Modeling (very vain-y), extremely pale, and no energy. Fever wasn't present, so we didn't know what was going on.
His cheeks and nose are rubbed raw because he kept rubbing his face on the hospital sheets.
Let's hope for a healthy Christmas Season for 2012!
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