Posted in April 2009

Not so much about washing the rest of the body.
Isaac says, "Mom... pop!"
Can you believe it? Two weeks ago, Eli was born! Can you believe it? We have been home 1 week! Time is starting to fly by. And our boys are growing up.
Isaac has been such a great help. He gets the wipes out when Eli needs a change, this morning he held the bottle while Eli ate, and for some reason Isaac drags the car seat over to us whenever Eli gets fussy. Last Thursday I showed Isaac Eli's surgery scar, and Isaac became really concerned, "Be-be E-i, owie. Oh no..." And all that day, and the next day, whenever Eli cried Isaac would tell us that "Be-be E-i, owie, owie, owie." I have always known that Isaac has a tender heart, but I am now starting to realize how deep his little two-year old emotions go.
Eli is doing really well. He just eats, sleeps, poops, burps and then gets the hic-ups. The hic-ups are hard on him because of his surgery. Well, so is yawning and sneezing, but the hic-ups are the worst. Though I think the pain is getting better. He is not crying as hard when he gets them. The nights are getting better too. Last night he had two four hour sleep stretches. Matt and I woke up this morning brand new people!
Matt started spring semester last week, and is all caught up on the homework and assignments that he missed last week. He is taking Spanish 101, and already our house is starting to sound like we are south of the border. In high school Matt was a great Spanish student. He studied more Spanish, and learned more words than any other student in his class. In fact his teacher called him "Bad Sancho" because he would talk down to people in Spanish, and only he and his teacher knew what he was saying!
I, Shannon, am doing well. Labor and delivery were not bad at all. Which my mom calls a tender mercy from the Lord. And I agree. I had a lot of walking and sitting and walking to do the first week after Eli was born (going between hospitals and such). Adjusting to two kids is not near as hard as adjusting to being a first time mother. I am really enjoying all the little moments with the boys.
A special thanks to all those who have sent messages of support, have stopped by, have sent gifts and food. We really appreciate everything that everyone has done for us.
Also, thanks to my parents and Matt's parents. Yall have done so much for us, and we could not of done this with out you.
And a "shout out" to the Ronald McDonald House, University of Utah Hospital, and Primary Children's Medical Center. Each facility is amazing. For those who may not know, the Ronald McDonald House is a place for families that have sick kids who do not have a place to stay within 50 miles of the medical center. The food is free, the laundry facilities are free, and is only 15 dollars a night. Each house is run off of charity, and is supported through the local community. A totally awesome place, which Matt and I will be forever grateful. University of Utah Hospital was a great place to deliver. They really looked after me, and were way supportive of our situation. Thanks to Dr. Byrne, you rock all socks. And of coursePrimary Children's Medical Center. Wow! From the nurses, to the doctors, to the social works and hospitality aid, WOW! To the PICU and SCU nurses, yall are amazing. Do not know how you do what you do. Every moment we knew our little Eli was in great hands. The doctors, yall are also amazing. Thank you for making us feel that Eli was a person who had feelings and a future, and that our situation was important (and that it was okay if I cried). Dr. A.K. from Oklahoma, next time we come Matt is bringing a Boise State scrub hat for you!
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