Posted in August of 2009
Here are some photos of this past weeks events
Saturday, two days before the surgery.
Eli loving his two fingers.

My parents came in from Bama on Sunday.
As a family we have secretly been keeping something from my dad:
He is going THE FINAL FOUR!
To attend is his ultimate sports dream.
We purchased 2 "lottery" positions in March, but didn't find out till last Monday if we got them (and we did!). So we had to tell him 5 months before his 50th birthday, cause we can't keep a secret this big!

All those green machines are giving Eli medicine.
Blood pressure, prompting him to pee, morphine, etc.

Eli is doing well. He may be transfered off the PICU floor (hooray!) and to the SCU (surgical care unit) today.
He currently has oxygen and hates the thing on his nose. When ever he has awake moments he makes a grab for it. He is now able to eat a bit of formula every few hours and seems much happier with something on his tummy. The swelling has gone down a lot!
Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate the support and love each and every person has given us.
This was the surgery I was MOST worried about. It is a lot for a little person to handle, and Eli is doing amazingly well. And we have to contribute that to everyone's faith.
We know Heavenly Father is watching us and is blessing us in amazing ways.
Please keep another family in your prayers. Tucker was born a week and a bit ago to a young couple IN Rexburg. They did not know that he had a MAJOR heart defect, and right after he was born he was life flight-ed to Primary Children's. His surgery is today. This is the couple's first baby and you can tell that they are completely overwhelmed.
And we love the 50 mm lens! Most of the pictures were taken by it.
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