Tuesday, October 16, 2012

He's Got Pounds!

70th percentile, baby! 

Mr. Eli has weight.  My heart baby, 3 years and some months at 37lbs, is in the 70th percentile in the weight charts.  (But 40th in height, haha.)

Compared to other heart children, Eli has always been heftier.  Indeed, every time we went in for check-ups the nurses and doctors say, "Wow!  Look how big he is!"  and ask, "What's your secret?"  And this was being in the 40th percentile in weight.  
Oh, and my secret?  He really likes cottage cheese, hot dogs, and pasta--though not all mixed 3 together!    

But the best part of this story is: he beats his brothers in their percentile weight! 
That's right, Amazing Eli is gaining weight better than his 6 yr old brother and 2 year old brother.  Good stuff, right there. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last "Out West" Check-up

Yup guys, we're moving.
Moving to the Southeast Coast for a few years, and going to soak up some nice warm sun and elevation just above 0 feet!

Eli had an appointment last week, it was his last with this doctor.  Eli rocked the appointment, probably because he only needed a chest echo.  Sitting in a dark room and watching a favorite show while people take care of you isn't that bad of a gig.
It's very strange though, that we are leaving.  The "intermountain West" means a lot to us, and we have had nothing but great experiences with the doctors and nurses out here.  Truly have been blessed to receive this extraordinary of care.

Here's how Eli looked on Monday:
- weight: 15.7 kg
- height: 95 cm
- oxygen saturation: 92%*

*Since Eli has been dealing with a cold his sats were a bit down.  He usually is a 94%.  Holy smokes could we tell he wasn't feeling well.  Dang, when this boy doesn't feel well he is one emotional guy.  Today he has finally been acting like a happy guy.  We "lub it!" (as Eli says) when he feels well.

When Eli doesn't feel well he looks like this:
(Someone threw goldfish in the tub.)

And when he's in a good mood, and feels well, he looks like this:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Worry


Even after the Fontan, I still worry about Eli and his health.  It is always present on my mind.  And I'm surprised, actually.

Before his last surgery I thought that once it was over, wow, no more anxiety!  We'd be free!
Not the case.

Eli is a big, beautiful boy.  And he's three now, which is a big mile stone for me and my husband.  Eli's third birthday always seemed more like a beautiful idea than a probable reality.  I was very weepy on his birthday, and all the emotions that came with that day--of remembering his birth and all the crazy that went with it--was almost too much to handle.  It really made me realize that once one becomes a heart baby parent, he/she will always be a heart baby parent.

Having Eli changed me, for the good I believe.
But sometimes I wish I didn't "feel" so much!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Most Beautiful Thing

Almost 3 year old Eli had a fit tonight. And I all I could think was how beautiful and pink he was. 

To a mother of a heart baby I don't think there is anything more beautiful than pink lips, pink nose, pink hands, and pink feet on the crying heart child. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Sickness

Yet again, we were sick on/during Christmas. EVERY Christmas Eli has ever had he has been sick on, just before, or just after Christmas. What a tradition.

This year it was a cold and a fever. We actually saw the cardiologist just before it really set in, and she was worried about his low 90s saturation. Imagine that--being worried about a 90s saturation. Though if the low 90s saturation wasn't virus induced then it would have had serious implications... so a week later we went in to check his oxygen at it was back to mid 90s.

So here's Eli, a day after Christmas 2011, totally not wanting to take a picture because he feels awful.

And let's look back on Christmas' past. Here's Eli for Christmas 2010, on Christmas Eve, worn out from throwing up and fever. This 20 month old crashed on the floor and couldn't move. 

And Eli on Christmas 2009, 8 months old. We actually went into the ER this December 30th (we were visiting out of town and didn't know where to go but the ER) because he was showing signs of heart failure. Modeling (very vain-y), extremely pale, and no energy. Fever wasn't present, so we didn't know what was going on. 
His cheeks and nose are rubbed raw because he kept rubbing his face on the hospital sheets. 

Let's hope for a healthy Christmas Season for 2012!